I purchased this app for its rating and only to find that app needs to be updated in order to use with my android. Why are you still charging money if you can't keep up with updates that are required for Android users.
The best translator which I've digged out, in pro version with reading words, nothing to add.. Maybe only it's very difficult to find this app in google store..
I've been using it for 4 years almost every day. There aren't a lot of words I missed. I'd appreciated to extend this app on verbs in past . Highly recommend!
Would expect update more often with wider vocabulary.
Some words are wrong when I compare between Eng Sk and Cz
Najlepšie slovník
Ahoj. Chcel by som sa Vás poďakovať za to aplikácie, je super a ide veľmi dobre. Spoľahlivosť 100 %. Kúpil som ju a neľutujem. Mam ju nainštalované v mobil aj v tablete..
Despite the fact that app UI is quite good, I am always missing some words (i.e. Inbound, Squid, Stinger, Topsoil, Petrify, Mallee etc.), there must have been used an old words database, which is not good, because this is the main purpose of this app.
Používam neustále. Viac netreba dodať.
Na rozdiel od bezplatnej verzie je možné vyvolať spätný preklad slova jeho dotykom, čo je dosť podstatná funkcia pri výbere toho správneho prekladu. A samozrejme, nezobrazuje sa reklama.